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Перевод: flan speek flan

флан ; открытый пирог с ягодами, фруктами; диск для чеканки монеты


  1. We had shrimps for tea, watercress, celery stacked in a glass jug, fishpaste sandwiches, flan made from the blackberries hanging in thickets over the back garden fence from the wild common beyond.
  2. Make the pastry and use it to line a 10-inch shallow fluted flan tin.
  3. Lotus, being in the Anglia region, has found a new sponsor and has been able, at last, to bring out its long-awaited cheap saloon - the Flan.
  4. Coins were made by the process of striking a blank disc or flan of metal between two dies (see figs 1 and 2).
  5. Pandora's Box was switched on and all the world's ills rushed out at us as we ate our cheese and dandelion flan and chips.
  6. A starter of courgette and wild mushroom flan is made by cooking potatoes, leeks and courgettes until soft and then squeezing the puree dry.
  7. How to tan, bake a flan, and plan for your
  8. Roll out the pastry to line an 8" (20cm) fluted flan tin.
  9. It was only when I felt safe with you, and after we had spent some hours working on our poems, that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner, which always ended with either banana or "flan".
  10. Vaughan's eyes light up when she describes the bright greens of this flan against the buttery yellow of the sauce.
  11. Two of the labels on the "cat gourmet triple pack" read "Steak and Kidney Casserole" and "Sea Food Flan".
  12. Spoon the filling into the flan case or onto the biscuit base and smooth the top.
  13. Clockwise from left: roulade of guinea fowl stuffed with duck on a cranberry and lime sauce; courgette and wild mushroom flan; marinated fresh trout with melon and red peppers

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