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Перевод: flask speek flask

фляжка ; фляга ; бутыль ; склянка ; флакон ; колба ; бутылка ; оплетенная бутылка с узким горлом; пороховница ; опока


  1. A little ward-maid appeared at the bedside with an enormous vacuum flask of Georgian tea, refusing to leave until I had downed every drop.
  2. It was not a happy journey to the car and I sat silently and unhappily in the back as we drove away, despite my friends' jolly attempts to think up song titles with the word "flask" in them.
  3. He barked with laughter and took a swallow from his flask.
  4. Lee screwed the top on the flask
  5. But he could fill a flask with coffee.
  6. Biff had drawn up a stool nearby and was drinking from a hip flask enjoying the spectacle.
  7. They stand, men and boys of all ages, come rain, come shine, oblivious of the seasons, clad in the regulation uniform of their breed - the anorak - with Thermos flask of coffee, spam sandwiches, bulging notebooks, and a well-thumbed Ian Allan Guide, the Bible of their cult.
  8. In webbed flask I
  9. "I see there's hardly a day nowadays that Rose doesn't go to her relations," Moran said to Sheila and Mona one Saturday they brought him a flask of tea into the fields.
  10. He poured the rest of the water into the flask.
  11. The late 1980s will be remembered by many for their tragic rail accidents, but 1984 witnessed the deliberate, spectacular and entertaining wrecking of Class 46 locomotive No 46009 to demonstrate that a nuclear flask is safe even when struck by a 100mph train.
  12. An indiarubber folding bath, an Etna or small spirit kettle, and a bottle of spirits; some tea and a little sugar; a bath towel or two; an air cushion, or a pillow; a small drinking-cup and flask; soap; a pot of Leibig or Bovril; matches and candles; medicine; some potted meat for sandwiches; insect powder and mosquito netting; vaseline, lipsalve, camphor, sal volatile, seidlitz powders, mustard leaves, chlorodyne, and eau de cologne.
  13. "I wasn't sure what you'd want to do," Rose said with the utmost caution, "and I brought a flask of tea and sandwiches just in case."

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