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Перевод: fledged

оперившийся; способный летать; вставший на ноги; самостоятельный


  1. THE ADAMS FAMILY Bryan Adams Keith Scott Having spent what seemed like most of last year topping the UK charts Bryan Adams is now a fully fledged megastar.
  2. As the chicks hatched, they were moved into an out-building and then, when fully fledged, up to the pool.
  3. Cameron looked round the neighbouring fields, some shorn close and yellow, some still fledged with feathery grass and sparkling with daisies and buttercups.
  4. The Brasserie was launched as a fully fledged operation expected to do the same level of business as L'Auberge from the start.
  5. Ion Tiriac, Becker's manager, devised the show last year as a maverick tournament to demonstrate that he deserved an opportunity to promote a fully fledged grand prix event.
  6. In addition 120 other fledged broods were recorded, with an average of 2.1 young per brood.
  7. At last, came the joyful day when the holes were carefully bored into the three Scouts' dorsal flesh in the Apothacarion, and through their subcutaneous carapaces which were now fully fledged
  8. Forget the amber gamblers, I'm fast becoming a fully fledged red and green gambler, too.
  9. The major line of development of the College has thus been its transformation from a teaching school attached to an equine infirmary, to a fully fledged university school in which teaching at undergraduate level and research of high standing encompass the whole range of domesticated animals, and where postgraduate courses meet the increasing demands of specialisation in such subjects as animal health, pathology and laboratory animal science.
  10. two in boxes and one in a house loft; between them they fledged a total of 24 chicks in 14 months.
  11. He's a fully fledged pilot now.
  12. Labour law will always reflect the balance of power in society, and a fully fledged labour court system will not remove class and fundamental employer-employee differences.
  13. She's now a fully fledged clock "doc" and can repair her treasures herself.

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