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Перевод: flip speek flip

легкомысленный; ветреный; болтливый; дерзкий; наглый;
легкий удар; щелчок ; кувырканье; сальто; переворот через крыло [авиа]; полубочка [авиа] ; полет в самолете; флип ;
слегка ударять; щелкать; смахнуть; стряхнуть; подбросить; внезапно воодушевиться; внезапно взволноваться


  1. Flip the lid and down it in one, like an oyster.
  2. Some of these may be the "flip side" of your positive qualities, but which sometimes get out of control.
  3. At eleven she asked Janice, her PA, to set up the flip charts in the conference room.
  4. Gillian retired to her own office where she prepared her flip charts.
  5. One thing you will notice at times when you are watching the barbel is the extraordinary way they flip belly-upwards to take food that is more than a foot or so off bottom.
  6. KRAMER Stagemaster, autographed by Ronnie James DIo and Blackie Lawless, collectors piece, one off, flip flop blue, Floyd Rose, 800.
  7. If you do not flip him off balance he can quite easily crash right into the marginal weed some distance along your own bank.
  8. But it looked as if the title might yet be decided on the flip of a Manly-sized wave after all.
  9. Kelly Turner's Roxy delighted the crowds with a prizewinning trick - performing a "dolphin flip" before retrieving darts from a board.
  10. Not being a drinker, I do an obligatory flip round the post-show party, consoling or congratulating and giving what little advice I can to grieving or glowing parents.
  11. Oh, to be flip, oh not to care!
  12. Reviewed last week as the flip to the Maniac Street Preachers' "Theme From MASH", but here again so that I can say it's one of the best records I've heard all year.
  13. They flip from one airport to another collecting and dumping in remote corners, removed from passenger terminals.

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