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Перевод: floodgate speek floodgate

шлюз ; шлюзные ворота; шлюзный затвор


  1. Instead of turning back or taking the upper channel, a long cul-de-sac ending at a floodgate, Dennis beached the punt on the rollers forming a portage over the weir.
  2. There have been umpteen books on the subject before, but Ferris brings such sly humour, such a floodgate of poignant details, and such a tone of innocent surprise to the proceedings, that it all reads as much more than a round-up of the usual phenomena.
  3. Although sent to his 1947 address in Los Angela, it had finally, almost flukily, caught up with him - and thereby opened a floodgate of memories upon which the years had added their sentimental compound-interest.
  4. M. Grimaud showed Frederica how, by building a slate dam here, releasing a little stone floodgate there, he diverted the clear water into its summer channel, a stone-lined gully which ran down beside the house and along its front wall, passing under slabstone doorsteps.
  5. Psychic talent was the floodgate by which the malevolent lunacy of powers in the warp could invade and ravage worlds; could corrupt the human race into polluted slaves of evil.
  6. This may be so but, once one developer has been let in, the decision could open the floodgate for scores of unsuitable, unnecessary applications.
  7. The documents here are proposed for use not as a sword but as a shield; this is hardly a floodgate situation.
  8. Rise Kagona, founder of the group, said the birth of Zimbabwe acted as the floodgate to inspiration for the band.

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