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Перевод: flunky speek flunky

ливрейный лакей; подхалим ; лакей ; прислужник ; подлиза ; официант ; повар ; подсобный рабочий; неудачник


  1. The omission caused a momentary loss of composure for Niall Campbell, the normally unflappable under-secretary in charge of the group, and a Scottish Office flunky was immediately dispatched to fetch the paper.
  2. So have Douglas Hurd, social security nonentity Tony Newton, Chelsea boy Nicholas Scott, Heseltine flunky Michael Mates and chubby Lynda Chalker.
  3. Now, Lorne, I began, after a female flunky had put the great man on.
  4. The puppeteers, dressed as gardeners, are often visible to the audience, but become irrelevant as they bring the string, hand and rod puppets - portraying anything from a flunky haddock to the infamous loopy hatter - to life.

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