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Перевод: fluorite speek fluorite

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  1. Fluorite
  2. Fluorite REE patterns from both the north and the south Pennines suggest the importance of heavy REE to light REE fractionation in the ore fluids.
  3. Pennine-style vein and replacement mineralisation - fluorite, base metals and baryte.
  4. In the Southern Pennine Orefield, Laporte Industries Ltd continued to work the Sallet Hole fluorite mine and began exploitation of a lower-grade, replacement style of mineralisation in the Bradwell area.
  5. Fluorite and galena are the main ore minerals with subsidiary, but locally important, baryte, calcite, sphalerite, witherite, chalcopyrite and quartz.
  6. A second technique developed utilises the natural enrichment of the rare-earth elements in fluorite.
  7. In South-west England tin, copper and other metals have been mined for at least 2000 years from deposits related to Variscan granites; in the Pennine range of central and northern England over a similar period, lead, and lately fluorite and baryte, have been extracted from vein and replacement deposits in Carboniferous sediments; in Central Wales, the Isle of Man and the Southern Uplands of Scotland lead and zinc have been mined from vein deposits in Lower Palaeozoic greywackes and in the Lake District copper, lead and zinc have been recovered from a variety of deposits in Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks underlain by Caledonian granites.
  8. Applied to fluorite deposits in south-west England, a samarium-neodymium isochron has been obtained for fluorite mineralisation at the Pendarves Mine which is in excellent agreement with previously determined rubidium-strontium ages.
  9. Economic fluorite mineralisation is restricted to the Dinantian and early Namurian limestone areas of Britain where it is associated with Pb-Ba-Zn mineralisation.
  10. There are contrasting styles of mineralisation in the Krupka orefield (granite-related tin and tungsten), at Harrachov (fissure-vein baryte and fluorite), and in the Jesenk district (gold in black shales).
  11. Recent publications on the use of remote sensing imagery in mineral exploration in Britain include Moore and Camm (1982) on structural mapping for Sn-W prospecting in South-west England, Hunting Geology and Geophysics (1983) on exploration for fluorite and Pb-Zn in the Pennine orefields and Darch and Barber (1983) on vegetation studies over the Coed y Brenin porphyry copper deposit in North Wales.
  12. Several fluorite and baryte ventures flourished in the Pennine orefields.

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