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Перевод: fluster speek fluster

волнение; возбуждение; суета ;
волновать; возбуждать; волноваться; возбуждаться; подпоить; слегка опьянеть


  1. She watched him seeing it all, feeling it all, assimilating his surroundings with no fidget or fluster.
  2. But the fluster and the harassment were largely wasted, because Josie didn't return at all.
  3. The uncharacteristic fuss and fluster in Ivy's manner was surely a proof that she knew only too well which letter he was talking about and was in mortal dread of the family finding out.
  4. "Because my mother works in a hotel shop where they don't really go a bundle on employing married women in the first place, so I don't want to get her all into a fluster for nothing.
  5. Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead.
  6. The main thing is not to get all in a fluster."
  7. I was in a terrible fluster."
  8. In her own room, the door was still latched, but was rattling, with a rhythm she could hear repeated outside in the strong, irregular fluster of a wind from the east, with the hiss of a roused sea behind it.

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