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Перевод: flux speek flux

течение; поток ; прилив ; постоянное движение; постоянная смена; истечение; обильное выделение; дизентерия ; флюс ; плавень ;
течь; истекать; плавить; растоплять; обрабатывать флюсом; отшлаковать; очищать; давать слабительное


  1. The mix of the original architect's unusual commitment to the concept of asymmetry, the previous inhabitants' rabid fetish for amassing ridiculous quantities of Victorian bric--brac and '30s kitsch, and Amelia's own declared desire to keep her environment in a state of constant flux had turned the place into a confused and confusing labyrinth.
  2. This geological technique may also be used to estimate the flux of neutrinos from the Sun during the Earth's history.
  3. There was something strong and elemental in them that would outlast a world in flux.
  4. Traditional magnetometers use inductive loops and long wire lines to measure magnetic flux by induced EMF.
  5. Uncountable galaxies spiral before us, receding in linear perspective to a single flux of light.
  6. The extracellular matrix laid down by microbial cells in microbial biosensors will show a more random orientation of structural components, but these can also have a dominant influence on the flux of the product and the substrate.
  7. It show-cased a band in a state of flux.
  8. The surface periodicity, and therefore the crystal structure, can be determined by using a glancing incident angle, rotating the crystal azimuthally ( ie about its normal), and monitoring the scattered flux at an off-specular angle ( ie greater than 2).
  9. She was of course aware that she came from a Catholic to a barely Protestant country in a state of intense flux and religious upheaval; her new subjects presented her with a set of pressing confessional and political problems.
  10. Commonly, too, human activity creates habitats that are in a constant state of flux, which may open the way for pioneer species (such as ragwort and dock - the kind commonly regarded as "weeds") but also produces rapid successions of species.
  11. The Earth's magnetic flux is, therefore, from Antartica to the Arctic and a compass needle aligns itself with this.
  12. Inside their families, too, their roles are in a state of flux, with the past, the peasant past, the tribal past, the colonial past each with its own particular prescription for the woman's role constantly intruding into the present.
  13. Furthermore, these DC offsets across the capacitors appear on the transformer windings, causing shifts in the core operating flux.

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