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Перевод: flypaper speek flypaper

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  1. This particular case vividly illustrates the possibility of a "flypaper" effect.
  2. If this theory is to explain the "flypaper effect", it must be demonstrated that a rise in citizen's incomes would raise the bureau's budget by less.
  3. Southampton University researchers are testing flypaper impregnated with a sex stimulant and insecticide.
  4. Other mechanisms for trapping prey have similarly descriptive names: snap, suction, lobster pot, flypaper, loop.
  5. Another means of explaining the "flypaper" effect depends on the assumption of fiscal illusion.
  6. King (1984) applies Niskanen's (1968) model to yield one explanation of the "flypaper effect".
  7. This is quite close to the empirical results that suggest a "flypaper" effect.
  9. However, such arguments are not the only ones made to explain the "flypaper effect".
  10. They were stuck to the wall - like flies on a flypaper."
  11. In order to explain the "flypaper effect", it is again possible to examine public choice theory.
  12. This phenomenon has been referred to as the "flypaper effect", so named because money will stick in the sector that it hits - grants to the local public economy will be spent in the local public economy.
  13. Whether or not a "flypaper" effect is prevalent depends on the relative size of the price and the income elasticities of demand.

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