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Перевод: foal speek foal

жеребенок ; осленок ;
жеребиться; ожеребиться


  1. Firstly, the foal learns to behave like its mother, and to be bossy or passive towards the various other horses; and secondly, and perhaps most importantly, because the foal is seen as part of its mother.
  2. It was even demonstrated how to load a foal into a horse float by making everywhere so "unpleasant" for the foal, that the horse float became the only refuge and release from pain!
  3. A young foal will sometimes make this face to people if it feels uncertain about them.
  4. If, for some reason (like recent starvation), a mare cannot provide milk for its newborn foal, and a person should feed the foal, the mare and foal still develop deep bonds of affection providing they are kept together.
  5. The smell of meths had an unforeseen affect on the foal, and in some strange way stimulated the foal's aggressive instinct.
  6. A mare checks her foal by smelling it; and horses check the acceptability of each other by nostril to nostril sniffing; they even check us over too.
  7. The foal cringes, lowering its shoulders, extending its neck, and raising its muzzle up to the other horse.
  8. On a simpler level, we know that it is unwise to turn our back when we are still close to a strange horse, stallion, or foal, because occasionally it will boot us once we take our eyes off it!
  9. However, by the time a foal has matured, it has usually come to accept that patting is some peculiar human aberration to indicate friendliness - and accepts it as such.
  10. The foal is now an eight-year-old mare with a sweet disposition; but then she has never been given a second chance to smell methylated spirits.

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