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Перевод: focus speek focus

фокус ; средоточие; очаг ; центр ;
собирать в фокусе; фокусировать; помещать в фокусе; сфокусировать; сосредоточивать; собираться в фокусе; фокусироваться; сосредоточиваться


  1. A main focus should be on the differences between written and spoken English.
  2. 350,000 is earmarked for a new cricket school at Chelmsford, to focus on the development of the county's youth, and 150,000 has been invested in the equity market.
  3. Such a plan allows schools to manage themselves more democratically and to keep the curriculum as the major focus.
  4. But we wish to focus here on the particular problems involved in the transfer of information from producers who are external to users who are internal.
  5. This focus on experience (in Greek empeiria ) is expressed in the standard description of Hume's type of philosophy as empiricist rather than rationalist; and empiricism of this stamp has been especially influential in British philosophy in more recent times as well.
  6. The Manor forms the focus of a group of stone buildings which include a fine 16th century Dovecote and an archaeological exhibition.
  7. Reddy's alternative analysis of Karnataka's energy needs includes this political focus on meeting development needs.
  8. In each case try to focus your mind on the part of your body that has in turn been made tense and relaxed.
  9. Students who are inexperienced in research frequently fail to narrow and focus their efforts to achievable units.
  10. Latin American media groups focus on distance education
  11. Technical publications on computer abuse, security and auditing tend to focus on input, output, access, software and processing controls, while the media is all too often preoccupied with the potential threat posed by viruses and hackers (see ACCOUNTANCY , April, p 102, 103).
  12. Taylor said: "Of course the players must now go back to their clubs and do their jobs, while all I have to focus on is our next match.
  13. Kelly smiled politely as the man tried to focus his eyes on her.

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