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Перевод: foe speek foe

враг ; недоброжелатель ; противник


  1. Second, FoE pointed out that Article 9 allowing derogations for nitrate levels arising from the "nature and structure" of the ground was intended to cover exemptions for water from nitrate-bearing rocks and soils, whereas most of the nitrate found in UK groundwater stems from highly unnatural levels of fertiliser.
  2. His foe is Carmen Romero, wife of the Socialist Prime Minister, Felipe Gonzalez, and perceived by most Spaniards as far more forthright and honest than her husband.
  3. Mr David Gee, director designate of FoE said: "Recycling rhetoric won't save the planet.
  4. During the survey, FoE had also brought over Swedish ecologist and authority on beech trees, Professor Bengt Nilghard from Lund University in Sweden.
  5. Pakistan's military appears instead to be concerned with the country's neighbour and traditional foe - India.
  6. The case became a hot potato for the government when Mr Yang was offered political asylum by Taiwan, China's old foe.
  7. Mr Simon Roberts, the FoE energy campaigner, said this illustrated the Government's ramshackle approach to energy policy.
  8. FoE planned to take the matter to the High Court.
  9. Lacking a land border with the Jewish state, he has little incentive to end the conflict with Israel and much to gain by posing, from a safe distance, as its uncompromising foe.
  10. At the Scottish Wildlife Trust's Acid Rain Inquiry of September 1984, Dr Redfern of its Northern Research Station talked of the "striking similarities" between the damage which FoE Scotland had first discovered in Cumbria and northwest Scotland.
  11. The Commons Committee made field visits to the areas highlighted by FoE, and reported that in Cumbria's Whinlatter Pass "Forestry Commission officials have observed extensive dieback of shoots on Scots Pine, evidenced by browning of needles
  12. William Bennett, a former drug tsar, was a vociferous foe, as is Louis Sullivan, the health secretary.
  13. The creation of such an inspectorate said Andrews Lees of FoE, would not make the proposed European Environment Agency redundant.

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