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Перевод: folder speek folder

папка ; скоросшиватель ; несшитая брошюрка; книжечка с картонными спичками; фальцевальная машина; фальцовщик ; складной бинокль; складные очки


  1. When God forgives us he tears up our unfavourable information folder.
  2. Reynolds came across a slim manila folder with the letters "WH" marked in red ink on the flap.
  3. Woodward slid the folder across to Duncan.
  4. Woodward opened the folder that was on the desk and took out a paper.
  5. She shuddered, then plucked some typed sheets of paper from the small table under the window and stuffed them into a folder.
  6. A reference number had been typed on white paper and glued to the folder.
  7. Opening his desk drawer, he drew out the current Operation Cuckoo folder, and in a calm, businesslike voice, got straight down to it.
  8. Keep the paperwork and notes for each application in a separate folder or large envelope.
  9. So he marked it with a paperclip for copying, put it back in its manila folder, "wiped off all my fingerprints", and hid it "out of an abundance of caution" in the stack of other papers to be copied.
  10. Finally, he riffled the thin sheaf of papers together with his fingertips and slid them back inside the security folder, which he handed back to Hayman.
  11. Though he kept a folder packed with suggestions for new volumes, he was keen to emphasise their serious didactic nature: "We don't go in for quick quack books."
  12. The folder was marked "priority".
  13. Peter sat down on the leather sofa, which was as uncomfortable as it looked, and went through the folder.

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