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Перевод: follower speek follower

последователь ; адепт ; сторонник ; ухажер ; поклонник ; подаватель ; вед`омая шестерня; вед`омое звено механизма; толкатель


  1. The complementary transistors TR1 and TR2 operate in the emitter follower mode.
  2. The fresco of 1711 - 15 is by Jan Hiebel, another follower of Pozzo.
  3. It is evident that he has no difficulty either in describing himself as a Dvaitin or Dualist, or as a follower of Vii dvaita or qualified non-Dualism, namely, non-Dualism with distinctions.
  4. Justification by faith, similarly, is important only because it goes to the heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ.
  5. He embraced poverty as a follower of Christ.
  6. Even if we notice that the new dog has become a follower, we regard it as part of a strong friendship.
  7. The difficulties involved in producing a logically satisfactory theory of time were emphasized by Parmenides' follower Zeno of Elea in his subtle paradoxes concerning motion.
  8. A friend and follower of William Blake in his youth, Palmer was living in great poverty when he received the commission to illustrate Pictures From Italy after Stanfield's defection; time was short, and he provided not the 12 plates originally planned but four vignettes engraved on wood.
  9. Words familiar to the football follower, like "victory", "campaign" and "tactics", now had very different connotations.
  10. Jacopone da Todi, the follower of Francis, expressed it in this way:
  11. The Bethlehem Chapel stands on the site of the original donated by Hans von Mhlheim, a follower of one of the reformers, and consecrated in 1394.
  12. However passionate a follower of England's fortunes might be, it is unlikely he will be able to match the fervour of the average West Indian.
  13. How would we answer a modern philosopher, a Freudian psychologist, a follower of Guru Maharaj Ji, each of whom denies the truth of Christianity in a different way?

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