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Перевод: foolhardy speek foolhardy

безрассудно храбрый; безрассудный; отчаянный; любящий риск


  1. Even so, barbel hooked in open water can tax tackle to the limit and it is foolhardy to take any chances with them.
  2. King Gustavus displayed his usual foolhardy courage and had a horse shot from under him.
  3. There are occasions when you get an odd fish that weighs a couple of pounds more or less than the average on that day, but to expect this to happen is foolhardy.
  4. In the times of absolute monarchs it was a foolhardy scribe who always recorded the whole truth.
  5. It is foolhardy for you to play around with your dog's diet when he is known to have had urolithiasis.
  6. It was foolhardy.
  7. of course, Whitehall feels the carrot of granting the companies title to the plutonium set a dangerous and perhaps foolhardy precedent.
  8. It would be a foolhardy author who assumed that Young Reader automatically meant Uninformed Reader.
  9. It was one of those rare occasions when a covert operation could be examined in the full glare of publicity and it showed what a foolhardy idea it was from the start for, even if Crabb had returned safely, it is unlikely he could have brought back enough information to have justified the risk in the first place.
  10. THE past decade has proved just how foolhardy it would be to gaze into the crystal ball and confidently predict what lies ahead in the next 10 years.
  11. Small wonder if their son grew up with a taste for chivalrous pursuits, warlike deeds and sometimes foolhardy enterprise.
  12. Not surprisingly, most political commentators read Bush's astonishingly foolhardy pledge as an allusion to what most of the US military and many civilians consider the unsatisfactory end to the Vietnam war.
  13. Any foolhardy handbag manufacturers intending to raid this moat should be warned: the reclusive multi-millionaire also has a small regiment of guards armed with sub-machine guns to protect them.

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