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Перевод: foolishly

глупо; нелепо; бессмысленно


  1. I had foolishly allowed myself to imagine that you might be interested in me as a person, even to the extent of being a little jealous of Lieutenant Lapointe.
  2. Anyway Charles began to murmur a little foolishly.
  3. We are indeed living in the past, we who foolishly cry out that the past is dead
  4. He foolishly declared, "They can come one time just as well as another, having nothing to hinder them in moving".
  5. Even more foolishly, the besotted adolescent attempted to extend the relationship, and chased Byron to Geneva.
  6. Patel was impermanent from moment of arrival till he played a foolishly loose semi-drive straight back to Tufnell.
  7. Stewart was sent off 18 minutes from the end of a niggly clash for foolishly slapping Apollon keeper Michalis Christophi across the head as he picked himself up from an innocent penalty-area collision.
  8. He said that one group had foolishly tried to cross and sixteen sheep had been lost - some swept right off the path as they climbed to the top, some left injured or dead, buried in snow at the bottom of a hidden ravine.
  9. Although the soldiers reported "Joseph is in full flight", Howard foolishly delayed his pursuit until the sun rose the following day.
  10. Hank looked nonplussed, and then asked, rather foolishly: "Aren't you at work?"
  11. "They awarded me a seat behind a pillar for this French farce, but foolishly I moved to a place where I had a full view of the stage.
  12. Even so, I am teetering on the brink of spending 300 to replace the turntable I foolishly ditched as an anachronism a few months ago.
  13. Some pundits were, rather foolishly, speculating that he might prove to be better than all of them.

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