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Перевод: footing speek footing

опора ; опора для ног; прочное положение; взаимоотношения ; итог ; сумма столбца цифр; положение; фундамент ; основание


  1. After the court refused a stay, lawyers for the investors agreed to a settlement which puts them on an equal footing with other unsecured LH creditors.
  2. It would be nice to think they might meet on an equal footing.
  3. Along with the spread of the RCM organisation across the country, the head office was put on a firmer footing with the purchase of Bloomsbury House, the former Palace Hotel just off London's Bedford Square.
  4. He says that many will be dropped - at least until the "core" business is put on a sound footing.
  5. Nor does it resemble the bravura footing of Kitri in the Don Quixote pas de deux or the passages in Ashton's Ondine where his ballerina appears to be floating through water.
  6. It was hard for the men not to lose their footing on jagged or slippery stones: harder still, leaning right back on the ropes, to counteract the relentless downward pull of the current and keep the tree on course for the opposite bank.
  7. It remained, however, a secret society and the object of parliamentary distrust at least until it was established on its modern footing over a century later.
  8. At the age of 12, Kitto was taken on by his father to assist him in his trade, and it was shortly afterwards when he was working for his father slating a new roof that he lost his footing in the act of stepping off a ladder and fell thirty-five feet to the ground.
  9. - they should be a "peer" group in so far as the relationship within the group is on an equal footing.
  10. The asset swap, which was unveiled in Stockholm last night, puts Volvo on an equal footing with the Swedish Government, which previously held an 80 per cent share stake in Procordia.
  11. It turns out that The Vision of Elena Silves operates on a more secular footing, but its meditation on the transcendence of human love over the coercions of church and state is a quietly compelling achievement.
  12. Much as I wanted to read the good news on my walk home from the newspaper shop, I was forced to concentrate on my footing on broken and delapidated pavements, strewn with take-away food rubbish, wrappings of all kinds, and collections of weeds, heaps of dog dirt and drinks cans.
  13. This strategy, NEC insists, produces greater flexibility (as it is not necessary to follow IBM slavishly) and also keeps the company on a smoother footing as it no longer needs to follow IBM's every turn.

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