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Перевод: footnote speek footnote

сноска ; подстрочное примечание; примечание;
снабжать подстрочными примечаниями


  1. Regarding the winning Hands On feature in March Woodworker , despite the well-intended editorial footnote, I do feel it was a mistake to include Bill Wiseman's fascinating but appallingly dangerous hold-down device, and to then endorse it in a recommendatory way by awarding it special recognition.
  2. If I'm just a footnote to Springsteen - that's okay!
  3. And while it might be said that his version of pochvennost comes from this same source, and while it is certainly true that pochvennost deserves a longer footnote than the Petrine reforms, a footnote is all it should be.
  4. The second footnote is related to this point and it concerns the career of William Beattie.
  5. "then continues in this long footnote to give details of certain chronic and serious acute conditions when it is actually necessary to repeat the dose several times to effect a cure, although he advises caution as " he has frequently experienced no advantage, but most frequently, decided disadvantage ."
  6. In the 5th edition 246 footnote he advocates that " a single dose of a well selected homopathic medicine should always be allowed first to fully extend its action before a new medicine is given or the same one repeated ."
  7. Although often studying less controversial forces than the RUC, this panglossian portrayal has to be disbelieved, especially as the authors often indicated in an occasional footnote, or in a revealing preface or aside, that they faced problems in the field similar to our own (for example, see van Maamen 1981: 479, 492; Westley 1970, p. vii), even when the research was covert (Holdaway 1982, 1983: 12).
  8. In view of the Warc footnote, this statement seems to have been economical with the truth.
  9. News of the professor's departure was a single sentence at the bottom of a footnote in a holiday-period ministry press release.
  10. But the footnote did not apply to other European countries.
  11. Amidst this confusion, my view of "At Tikhon's" as a hyperlucid footnote to Crime and Punishment , as misconceived crisis and clarity, needs justifying: the very point of Stavrogin's scattering of "reasons" is that he and his document shall not come clear or clinch anything.
  12. GEORGE ALLEN, a football coach who died on new year's eve, deserves a footnote in political history.

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