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Перевод: foppish speek foppish

фатоватый; пустой; тщеславный; щегольской; пижонский


  1. Men aren't afraid to be soft, girly and foppish and celebrate the inner life.
  2. Listening to the conversation in which Midnight had no part, she felt a sudden pity for him which increased the sense of gratitude already there, and was slightly surprised when the foppish Randall asked him a direct question:
  3. It may be that a discourse like Bateson's which attempts to forge linkages between English studies and democratic processes was an unlikely candidate for acceptance within what has been described (by a university teacher active at this time) as the foppish, aristocratic atmosphere of the English university of the 1950s.
  4. But a big NME "must do better" to the 3,788 entries that believed cute, foppish Lancastrian Stuart Maconie to be Irish!
  5. With a giggle, Carnelian tipped his foolish foppish cockaded hat to Jaq.
  6. Thankfully there's always Dave Hemingway's grin, Brian Corrigan's Grogan-esque voice and Heaton's foppish dancing to cheer us up and turn it into a gorgeous and lurvely night.
  7. The phonographer had dressed himself in clothes that were less foppish than his usual attire.
  8. The Keraing was a humorous, somewhat foppish extrovert, in complete contrast to Ibu, who stayed mainly in the background, signed the papers that mattered, and was acutely observant of everything that went on around her.
  9. He "saw" himself, ludicrously ill-dressed for the narrow and rock-tumbled track, gaping like a foppish caricature of the Lake Tourist: but that did not unsettle him.
  10. But whereas, in the former, the lovers are effete, foppish and ultimately doomed, in They Wouldn't's Gay Yardie routine, the characters Rupert and Denzel are "two rough-up, ragamuffin characters" who exit the stage arm in arm and very much alive, leaving the audience with no option but to confront their own prejudices.
  11. Both James Brown (sex machine with a bouffant hairdo) and Hendrix (the wild man swathed in foppish elegance) were prototypes for this collision of primitivism and decadence.
  12. Felix had seen noblemen less well-dressed than the foppish young Tilean mercenary.
  13. Whenever the Phantasms rode the dropshafts down from their native upper levels into tech factory territory - or daringly deeper still, into the filthy honeycomb of the undercity - the impact of those brats was far from foppish.

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