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Перевод: forage speek forage

фураж ; корм ; фуражировка ;
фуражировать; добывать продовольствие; добывать что-л. необходимое; грабить; опустошать


  1. The UK operates a system of aids to joint investment schemes for forage groups (under Article 11 of the LFA Directive) through "Food from Britain' and includes grant aid of 25% for certain machinery and 15% for tractors but this is not widely used in the UK.
  2. Forage rape
  3. It has the typical mottled white face of the colour-sided cline and is a thoroughly practical type, healthy, fertile, "rustic" and very good at utilising the type of forage found in the Massif Vosges.
  4. Forage crops for consumption on the farm are not directly extractive (the sale of milk and livestock is) although they may transplant fertility from one field to another.
  5. The food conversion rate on roughage or forage is good.
  6. This method of making compost in the field is known as sheet composting, a variation of which may be achieved after a cereal crop by chopping the straw and stubble (using a forage harvester with delivery spout removed) behind the combine, spreading slurry, and then rotovating the mixture into the top soil.
  7. In open savannah, gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts from which the daily dispersal occurs.
  8. Rations and forage were provided by local tradesmen under contracts previously made.
  9. Good milk on low-cost forage; veal and reasonable beef; excellent udder.
  10. Fed 'em in the winter, let 'em forage in the summer, neighbours complained but they flourished.
  11. Because BR is reluctant to talk about profits, it is difficult to gauge accurately how successful InterCity's forage into the top end of the charter-train market has been, or how much the total earnings from charter traffic contribute to the sector's overall profitability.
  12. Newly formed cooperatives are particularly looking for forage, livestock handling, grain drilling and grain drying equipment," he says.
  13. The only other forage crops grown were kale and turnips but these were not widespread.

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