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Перевод: forceful speek forceful

сильный; мощный; волевой; действенный; убедительный


  1. But, in a more explicit and forceful way, he objects to the particular account of such knowledge in which this general idea was embedded by Aristotle and his scholastic followers.
  2. And a new character joins the cast at the last minute - Eric Batson, a forceful campaigner and organiser who put new life into the Shaw Society.
  3. His mother, Jemima, was a more forceful character, hard-working and ambitious for her four children, but possibly over-protective of their interests and too demanding of their talents.
  4. The mother, large and jewelled and forceful, was determined to let us know she spoke English.
  5. However, the meeting is bound to increase pressure on European governments to adopt a more forceful approach in seeking to improve the environment.
  6. Are you forceful; are you goal oriented?
  7. Forceful performance
  8. They are evidence of efficient, determined, and forceful government, the alternative to which is drift, lack of authority, and chaos.
  9. These attacks in turn have been met by forceful rebuttals from Conservative back-benchers and from the Prime Minister herself.
  10. Judge's ability to achieve a forceful interaction of character would be better served by something more abstract, like the current Peter Grimes set.
  11. If, therefore, a person can prove that the statements or criticisms complained of went beyond reasonable or forceful debate and were defamatory (as for example, a torrent of defamatory invective), and were influenced by indirect or ulterior motives, he might well be justified in issuing a writ.
  12. Impressed by Sheehy's "very forceful personality," Cluff's attraction to the BAT boss was enhanced by his links with the Dark Continent.
  13. Its forceful statement of British sovereignty offended many in the Foreign Office, which is more communautaire .

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