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Перевод: forecaster



  1. The forecaster would search past time-series of data for consistent evidence of: * seasonal variations (which are for instance marked in the case of holiday or toy sales) over a period of a year.
  2. Temperatures in the mid-80s from Sunday to Wednesday are predicted for parts of the South by professional independent forecaster Piers Corbyn.
  3. The local weather forecaster had told me we'd get rain and we did.
  4. A forecaster would be interested in their source (for instance growth in personal disposable income combined with long-term taste changes favouring a new product type), and their likely degree of permanence or duration, before fully accepting them.
  5. They are in part based upon the statistical techniques described above, but use whatever mathematical form of extrapolation (forward projection) that the forecaster considers will be most valid in achieving a prediction.
  6. Consider for example the proposition that the average human possesses one breast and one testicle, a grievous misapplication of statistics no doubt, but less of an affront to logic than the argument of the weather forecaster, seized on by John Allen Paulos: with a 50 per cent chance of rain on Saturday and a 50 per cent chance on Sunday, he declared, "it looks like a 100 per cent chance of rain this weekend".
  7. Common sense (or observation) may show that the pattern of behaviour requires the forecaster to give progressively less weight to values the further back in time they occur.
  8. This allows us to do more than simply check back on the forecasters' performance on individual countries; it enables us to assess which forecaster has the best record across all the big economies.
  9. The Weather Communications Aviation Service offers a 24-hour telephone service whereby callers can talk to the forecaster or one of his aides at any time.
  10. Computers at the centres hold information of vital importance to any private forecaster.
  11. The forecaster must decide whether to exclude such events from the analysis of trends where these are being used to forecast for the future.
  12. SHE's forecaster Justin Toper is a Libran.
  13. English hearts sank even further than they already were, for it would not have needed a weather forecaster to predict that Hurricane Viv was about to strike.

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