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Перевод: foretaste speek foretaste



  1. But it will give affluent viewers a foretaste of life with cable television.
  2. At this stage, too, the allocation of parts and the standard of performance is becoming a lot more competitive - a foretaste of the profession itself.
  3. First Floss and Tibbs retired to their tent to dispel this foretaste of the middle-aged grossness that awaited them in the exercise of their healthy young bodies.
  4. This is a foretaste of what things will be like - if the polls are correct - over the next five years.
  5. Lewis had his two slender volumes of verse, and Tolkien his learned edition of Sir Gawain and the Green knight and his article on Ancrene Wisse and Hali Meith-had (which combines deep linguistic learning with a justly famous account of the world of this West Midland prose writer which we can recognize as a foretaste of the Hobbit's native Shire).
  6. Donald Gould spoke for many of us I imagine, when he characterised the honours of the extended Christmas break as a microcosm of a workless society, a foretaste of a robotised world (Forum, 20 January, p 180).
  7. In the final analysis there would be a dramatic decline in population, with deaths exceeding births - a foretaste of which had occurred in the early 1930s.
  8. Yet for all its obvious allusions to Schumann, its unrelieved and intense melancholy, which culminates in a passionate cadenza-like passage for the violin, offers a fascinating foretaste of his mature style.
  9. For visitors from an urban background, here is a foretaste of paradise.
  10. If we believe, as we are taught, that the Kingdom of God is within us, surely this must mean that many of life's experiences are a foretaste of the joys that are to come in heaven?
  11. It is the foretaste of such strains as never fell on mortal cars, to hear which we should rush to our doors and contribute all that we possess and are."
  12. His party made their way on to the airfield without difficulty and what followed was a foretaste of Paddy Mayne's style.
  13. Against Italy, Lazaroni is keen to experience a foretaste of the atmosphere that he and his side can expect next summer.

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