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Перевод: forethought speek forethought

преднамеренность ; предусмотрительность ; умение рассчитать заранее


  1. All this is culled from letters from people who had the forethought to record the event.
  2. But anything of a bigger scale that involves attracting the public or rallying the faithful or listening to a guest speaker does need forethought and care if it is not to be a shambles.
  3. Only those with plenty of stamina can attempt an "open day", however, since a twelve-hour stint of entertaining requires forethought and energy.
  4. All need to be used and stored with forethought and care, especially in the interests of children.
  5. But a little forethought will help you avoid the drudgery of mixing, baking and cooking your New Year spread.
  6. Forethought in design.
  7. Much of this sort of work is unnecessary if forethought is used at the planning stage.
  8. She did this willingly, but wondered at Mr Browning's unusual lack of forethought.
  9. A little forethought can often save us much pain or discomfort.
  10. There may well be follow-up questions that arise from the main analysis which can be answered by further analyses, but the attitude of mind which lies behind massive speculative cross-tabulations betrays a lack of forethought.
  11. This is why we should choose toys for our children with some considerable forethought.
  12. In the Garden: Planning to beat a leafy retreat at home: In the first of a series for novice gardeners, Anna Pavord stresses the value of careful forethought
  13. Love was something other, to be cultivated in an intense yet innocent fashion, to inspire deeds of gallantry and to transform the knight into a thinking, feeling being rather than one who picked up his sword without any forethought.

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