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Перевод: formality speek formality

формальность ; соблюдение установленных норм и правил; педантичность


  1. Age Concern would welcome an attempt to introduce a single unified system and favours an element of formality and monitoring with a local and "user-friendly" face.
  2. There was a formality and restraint to their childhood, a reflection of the way Diana's parents were raised.
  3. For example, when the State Department's Far Eastern Office was trying, unsuccessfully, to put together a compromise paper that would be agreed with the European Office, one may applaud the objective of an Indo-China that was to be fully self-governed, autonomous, and democratic: but there was a world of difference between a "national" and a "federal" government which would become obvious as events unfolded and the qualification, which Moffat and his colleagues seemed to accept, to full self-government which was explicit in Indo-China's recommended partnership in the French Union, and was, by implication reserved to France as a matter of imperial concern, precisely the point, or at least the formality, which produced the irreparable break between France and Ho's infant Republic.
  4. Nor do you have to go through the formality of claiming relief on it.
  5. After England's winter successes, a Test series win in New Zealand and runners-up to Pakistan in the World Cup, the announcement was little more than a formality.
  6. "Constanza," Giancarlo said with all the formality of their first encounter before lunch, "allow me to present Signora de Grignano.
  7. It was a formality, no more; Nathan always came in.
  8. What seemed a formality on Wednesday looked less certain 24 hours later, and he himself hinted at a possible obstacle when he said he would have to get the permission of his employers, the brewers John Smith.
  9. In fact the average teacher values the security and the formality of the classroom and the book, the sense of order and status which it accords him.
  10. The selection still has to be approved by the next full meeting of the constituency association but the chairwomen, Ms Anne Peck, said last night that this appeared to be a formality.
  11. Residence here had always had a holiday atmosphere, since formality and etiquette were kept to a minimum and it was possible to relax.
  12. Here is a woman who insists upon being treated with all the formality of royal protocol.
  13. In any case there is a need for widespread intercommunication which may be mainly informal but requires some formality to ensure that clashes of attitude do not delay or distort decisions and to make sure also that finalised decisions are unambiguously recorded.

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