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Перевод: forthcoming speek forthcoming

предстоящий; грядущий; приближающийся; ожидаемый; обходительный; общительный; приветливый;
приближение; появление


  1. In some cases, Church authorities have proceeded in this way because they felt that permission was more likely to be forthcoming.
  2. Prize money will rise by a further 18 per cent during the forthcoming year, which takes the total to 16 million, considerably more than the 1.3 million on offer in 1980.
  3. All three of these have entries for strontium in their indices and all refer the reader to an entry for "alkaline earth metals", where yet more information is forthcoming.
  4. If that permission were not forthcoming, he said, he would have to reject the job.
  5. His right to sit was first referred to a select committee of the House of Commons which reported, somewhat unhelpfully, that there were arguments for and against his right to sit, and recommended clarifying legislation which, however, has not been forthcoming.
  6. VEGAS: "Possessed" joint venture from ex-Specials man Terry Hall and Eurythmic Dave Stewart taken from the pair's forthcoming album - out now
  7. SIR - As director of a company which supplies market research data to the pharmaceutical industry in the Republic of Ireland, I am looking forward to the forthcoming explanations from United Kingdom opinion poll organisations.
  8. The DUC also decided to make uranium mining an issue in the forthcoming by-election.
  9. Other competitors include Audi's new 80 2.8E V6 and the forthcoming new Volkswagen Passat VR6, likely to sell at a similar price.
  10. Once again, it is the oscillating motion of the cross within the circle which symbolizes that forthcoming conflict between positive, evolutionary forces and negative dissolutionary forces during life on Earth that gives birth to the Swastika in both its configurations, i.e. right-angled or left-angled.
  11. THE HOUSE OF LOVE have been forced to postpone their show at London's Albert Hall on September 24 due to forthcoming touring duties in Europe and America.
  12. Churchill believed that Britain needed a minister of Cabinet rank to carry out properly the forthcoming negotiations.
  13. At a party at the Hyde Park Hotel to celebrate his forthcoming 86th birthday on Christmas Day, Lord Grade told of a tricky moment during the filming of his film Jesus of Nazareth.

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