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Перевод: fortunately speek fortunately

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  1. Fortunately I landed in a river"
  2. At Lyons, the bridge over the Rhone collapsed from the weight of the men trying to cross - though fortunately only two were drowned.
  3. Fortunately the other two matches were considerably more exciting.
  4. Fortunately, this is the land of the doggy bag.
  5. Fortunately, George V had worked well with his father and knew the nature of the current political trends, but he did not wield the same influence internationally as his esteemed father.
  6. Fortunately, there is a more tolerant attitude towards other religions in most parts of the world today.
  7. Stunned, I wobbled outside, where fortunately I found that the rain had stopped falling.
  8. Fortunately most of them had seen the programme and were committed admirers of Hannah.
  9. Fortunately my 1983 conference speech went well and the row started to calm down.
  10. Fortunately, Mr Hill was in Truro Hospital at the time, out of the area.
  11. Fortunately, the tedious but sensible arrangement of sleeping all the children on the ground floor instead of in the bedrooms paid dividends; there were no serious casualties.
  12. (Fortunately we didn't have this problem.)
  13. They had to leave their cottage within a week but fortunately another job with a cottage was obtained in Downton.

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