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Перевод: foster speek foster

воспитывать; выхаживать; выпестовать; пестовать; лелеять мысль; питать (чувства); благоприятствовать; поощрять


  1. Lesbian and Gay Foster And Adoptive Parents Network has produced a pack which is available by writing to the Lesbian and Gay Foster And Adoptive Parent Network, c/o London Friend, 86, Caledonian Rd, London N1.
  2. In addition, the British reader will recognize the declining role of the residential sector, particularly reform schools and assessment centres, and the growth of alternatives such as specialist foster cars (see Hazel, 1981; Rowe et al .,
  3. The two other candidates were the Liphook potter, Ian Foster (Green Party), who got 1,113 votes (1.2 percent) and a retired railwayman from Buriton, Stan Hale, who obtained 165 votes as a Revolutionary Christian Communist candidate.
  4. Natural parents often had access to children guaranteed under a court order and foster parents had to be committed to support for "parental responsibility", which could cause difficulties, said Miss Marion Lowe, the association's director.
  5. Beattie and Foster were fully involved with Paisley and Wylie in their protests and in electioneering.
  6. Half of all children in care in the Netherlands are placed with foster families (Kampen, 1988), against only thirty-one per cent in Flanders (Lammertyn and Antoons, 1990).
  7. Gilly's foster mother, Maime Trotter, has befriended an elderly, blind neighbour called Mr Randolph.
  8. Which aspects of human life foster "envy", and which foster cooperation against a "banker'?
  9. The broader truth is that Dostoevsky cannot foster any of his dearest values except obliquely, by stealth, by catching them napping.
  10. By careful planning of schemes of work to integrate programmes of study for speaking and listening, reading and writing, teachers should be able to foster the writing development of their pupils, helping them to develop an ear for language through reading or listening to works in a wide variety of styles written by really fine authors.
  11. We also know from studies that foster children can relate to both birth family figures and foster carers (Thorpe, 1974; Rowe et al .,
  12. The author of these words, John Clotworthy Talbot Foster Whyte-Melville Skeffington, the thirteenth Viscount Massereene and sixth Viscount Ferrard, became one of the great institutions of the House of Lords, an inveterate campaigner for field sports.
  13. Why did he follow J R Ewing, the epitome of 1980s TV, with a western about a gunfighter turned foster father?

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