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Перевод: foundling speek foundling

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  1. " "Course there's always the Foundling Hospital."
  2. I 'eard the Foundling's a dreadful place."
  3. Also held are the records of the Westminster Hospital Group (1715 onwards), and the Foundling Hospital (1793 onwards).
  4. Percy Adlon's Salmonberries (12) is an untypically meandering and dreary tale of friendship between a half-Eskimo lesbian foundling (k. d. lang) and a middle-aged woman from Berlin (Rosel Zech).
  5. I refer, of course, to the Foundling Hospital."
  6. At the first opportunity Sarah went again to the Foundling Hospital, but she didn't approach by Guilford Street in case the porter came out of his lodge and recognized her.
  7. When every seat was taken the Foundling children filed to their places, filling the gallery where the organ stood like a turreted castle, girls on the left in snowy white, and darkly dressed boys on the right.
  8. "I was here when you was collecting for the Foundling Hospital yesterday, and I wondered if a shilling would help.
  9. "I work over at the Foundling Hospital, in the laundry."
  10. "You should go and hear the Foundling children sing in their wonderful chapel.
  11. There was a professional choir as well as the children, and the sound of hymns being so brilliantly performed made the Foundling Hospital chapel the most popular place of worship in London.
  12. Two days after leaving Angel at the Foundling Hospital Sarah returned to work at the house in Newcastle Place.
  13. She'd thought that Foundling children stayed in the hospital from the time they were taken in.

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