Перевод: fractional
[прилагательное] дробный; частичный; незначительный; фракционный
- Pre-tax profit fell to 85.6million from 98.1million, though after lower tax and minority interests, reflecting the African withdrawal, earnings showed only a fractional decline.
- On the other hand, the coastline's area is zero, so neither a one-dimensional nor a two-dimensional picture is appropriate, and in fact the way in which the length increases with resolution suggests a dimension D of about 1.2 The mathematics of sets of points with fractional dimensionality was developed in the early years of this century, but associated geometric objects were considered as "pathological" and not corresponding to anything in Nature, Mandelbrot's massive and single-minded achievement has been to convert this abstract formalism into a flourishing branch of applied mathematics, in three ways.
- Conversely, fractional albumin clearance fell with both treatments from 0 to 6 months (although not significantly) but then rose to pretreatment values after 12 months with hydrochlorothiazide, whereas it fell further with enalapril (one way analysis of variance of the treatment-time interaction for enalapril group, p=0.022).
- Figure 3 a shows the fractional coverage of PSCs polewards of 25N at 56mbar for current CO 2 with both the noninteractive (run 1) and interactive (run 2) ozone, and for the same simulations with doubled CO 2 (runs 3 and 4).
- Results are presented as means (SD), or medians (ranges) when the distributions were skewed (diabetes duration, urinary albumin excretion, fractional albumin clearance, plasma total and active renin, prorenin, and aldosterone concentrations, and the ratio of active renin to aldosterone concentration).
- If z k and ZD are the optimal objective function values of, respectively, LPk and the down-problem created by branching on x B i at node k , then we will define the down-pseudo-cost of to be where is the fractional part of .
- The constraint can be written and involves adding the implicit row (or modifying an existing implicit row to) where is the fractional part of .
- This essential merging of primary rate and basic rate services will be achieved using the "fractional Megastream" technology that the company's Martlesham Laboratory on Martlesham Heath, Suffolk has developed for squeezing multiple ISDN channels over ordinary copper circuits.
- ( MFID, mean fractional isomorphous difference).
- Fractional
- These differences in athletic performance might not be very large, a matter of only a few per cent, but for world-class athletes, the difference between a world record and a mediocre performance can be only fractional.
- Remuage in fact required a modification of the original shaking process developed by the widow, involving a fractional tilt of each bottle (from horizontal to perpendicular) following every short, sharp twist to loosen the sediment.
- If the wavelength of a line produced in the observer's laboratory at A is and the wavelength of the same line observed in the spectrum of the collapsing object is then the fractional increase z= ( -) / is called the red shift of the spectral line.
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