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Перевод: freeze speek freeze

мороз ; холод ; замораживание;
замерзать; замораживать; вымораживать; поморозить; покрываться льдом; леденеть; заледенеть; леденить; морозить; примерзать; мерзнуть; застывать; стынуть; цепенеть; затвердевать; запрещать использование сырья или готовой продукции; запрещать производство сырья или готовой продукции; запрещать продажу сырья или готовой продукции; окончательно принять (конструкцию); окончательно стандартизировать (конструкцию); блокировать


  1. She 'ad t'backbone ti go up on ti t'moor in a blizzard ti find 'im, while you were willing ti let 'im lie up yonder and freeze ti death."
  2. The beans are ground as soon as possible after roasting and either packaged for use in percolators and cafetires or freeze dried to make instant coffee of distinction.
  3. Freeze and rush, freeze and rush.
  4. The Ministry of Defence has been obliged to freeze its own orders to British industry in the run-up to the election, but a Downing Street spokesman said last night the civil service guidelines allowed the announcement of foreign arms sales.
  5. That does not render it inedible if you cook it within a few hours - or freeze it immediately.
  6. Having survived a financial crisis in the early 1980s, thanks to support from the banks and from a staff prepared to agree to a voluntary wage freeze, the paper is now making money and putting on readers, so why has the management now decided to modernise the title?
  7. Stripped, tied up and left to freeze It sounds like torture - and it is for some young workers forced to endure outdated initiation rites.
  8. (If you do not use all the recipe at once, you can keep it in the fridge for a couple of days, or freeze it.
  9. Freeze.
  10. Freeze uncooked trout, with herbs and lemon, for up to 1 month.
  11. I melt and freeze,
  12. Make sure you refrigerate or freeze them quickly.
  13. For example, Norway imposed a freeze on social security benefits and West Germany made all student grants repayable to the government, increased contributions to pension and sickness benefit, and delayed rises in pensions.

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