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Перевод: frond speek frond

ветвь с листьями; вайя [бот.] ; лист пальмы или папоротника


  1. A bit of fish, a little sauce, one or two new potatoes boiled and then rolled in butter and parsley, and a frond or two of samphire if you have been lucky enough to find it.
  2. The frond has a length of 15 cm.
  3. In these cases one never finds a whole tree fossilized, and it is necessary to piece together the whole plant by making intelligent guesses about whether a frond of one kind is persistently found with a particular fossil trunk.
  4. Right Frond of a cycad, Nilssonia kendalli , Jurassic.
  5. Frond thoughts
  6. Two palm trees frond the background of the day.
  7. There are many other fragments of plants in the same block, but the frond is unusually complete.
  8. A frond of endive approached his lips, hovered, was gripped firmly by admirably white teeth.
  9. He bit through the frond; half of it fell onto the floor.
  10. The total length of the frond is 12 cm, but it was originally part of a much larger plant
  11. The large frond carries many branches, on which there are numbers of leaf-like pinnules - more or less alternating on either side of the branch.
  12. Some of the seeds hung like bells from the ends of the ferny frond, and in some species they were several centimetres long.
  13. It was like a bloated anemone frond.

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