Перевод: fruit
[прилагательное] фруктовый; [существительное] плод ; плоды ; фрукты ; фрукт ; результат ; результаты ; [глагол] плодоносить
- Plenty of fluid during the day - as much as 3 to 5 pints - is recommended, in the form of tea, coffee, water and fruit juices, or other non-alcoholic beverages.
- Had the laundries been at the Riviera end all the detritus from the other businesses, the discarded vegetables and smashed fruit of the greengrocers, the scales and fish heads and guts deposited on the street by the two fishmongers, would have passed by and probably soiled some of the clothes as the intermittent hosing down of the street caused all this muck and filth to edge its way slowly down towards the Bay.
- When the fruit is soft and the liquid well coloured either place the cooked fruit in a sieve and work the pulp with a wooden spoon until as much as possible of the fruit has passed through the mesh or use a liquidizer.
- Frequently, the scientific understanding needed for the progress he wanted to make was not available to him and the work he began did not bear fruit until after his death.
- Folded into the page of Vico on which the passage appeared was a bill for candles on the back of which Ash had written: "The individual appears for an instant, joins the community of thought, modifies it and dies; but the species, that dies not, reaps the fruit of his ephemeral existence."
- If there is a good improvement on this diet, fruit and other excluded foods can be gradually reintroduced later, but not sugar.
- So we were surprised when a local entomologist advised us to put sacking around our fruit trees or straw round their bases to encourage the insect.
- The square ahead, Piazza Verziere, commemorates one of the city's best fruit and vegetable markets which was held here in the nineteenth-century.
- Plums are the easiest stone fruit to grow.
- Serve: turn the passion fruit mousse out on to the centre of the plate.
- I am very desirous to get all the species of this genus which I can, and am making observations on their flowers and fruit: for Doctor Linnaeus has joined these to his genus of Rhus sumach, with which all the species of Toxicodendron , which I have yet examined, will by no means agree; for these are either male and female in distinct plants, or have male flowers in separate parts from the fruit on the same plant, which, according to his own system, must remove them to a great distance from the Rhus .
- I prayed for the ardour of the fruit tree, the passive rapture of the long grasses, the patient infinite receptivity of the stone walls that also pulsed and shivered with love of the Light."
- Perhaps with a little fruit?"
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