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Перевод: funnel speek funnel

воронка ; дымоход ; дымовая труба; литник ;
переливать через воронку; выход`ить через узкий проход; сосредоточить; складывать руки трубочкой


  1. Finally, this great natural funnel gave the maelstrom no alternative but to rear up into that great familiar wave.
  2. Already they were close to the middle of the cloud funnel.
  3. Given a free choice, children usually choose the apparatus they are ready for and although a three-year-old may imitate the feats of an older child with a funnel, tube and bottle, he may not gain the same satisfaction as he does from achieving something much more simple on his own.
  4. Funnel crushed food into the tea strainer and shake over a piece of paper
  5. Some equipment will be more suited to dry or wet sand, though it is sometimes interesting for the children to try using the funnel, for instance, with the wet sand, and comparison can be made of the way the different types of sand feel and behave.
  6. Lead this up a stout stake at one end of the row, tying in position, and put a funnel in the open end.
  7. Funnel
  8. Maxine (4.10): Wet sand won't go through the funnel because it soaks up the water and sticks together.
  9. Whilst he was Dean of Westminster he would devote three or four evenings a week to teaching the older boys of Westminster School: one of them remembered how he also would take the younger ones with him for walks "and in that wayfaring leisure had a singular dexterity to fill those narrow vessels with a funnel.
  10. Channel funnel of hate
  11. Pits dug near the edge of a deposit may be worked out, but those over the centre of a "funnel" are not.
  12. As a route into Europe the Danube valley has been a funnel for migrating peoples since before history.
  13. A vast circle of storm clouds hugged the ground and rose towering into the air, so they seemed becalmed on the inside edge of a massive mauve funnel through the swirling walls of which Trent could make out, to the south, a thin line of greater darkness that he knew must be the rain forest bordering the Makaa River.

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