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Перевод: furnisher

поставщик мебели; поставщик


  1. To get an idea of the profit made, let us compare Turner's prices against those actually charged by the funeral furnisher in Chadwick's 1843 Report for a simple earth-burial funeral in the metropolis.
  2. On 26 December, 114 Lower Church Street and adjoining properties which had been leased to W. A. Reeves, the furnisher, since the offices were given up by the South Metropolitan Company, were sold to him.
  3. He was a funeral "director" rather than a furnisher, and it was to this practice that a number of top-rank funeral furnishers working in London looked - Ballard, Dowbiggin Holland, J.D. Field, A. France Son, J. Kenyon, Leverton's and John Nodes - though they were never quite to match his mastery.
  4. Not every funeral furnisher was able to go independent, and relied on the wholesalers to provide items for which he was rarely asked and consequently had no need to stock.
  5. A coffin-maker could look up to a funeral furnisher rather than to an undertaker; an undertaker might have respected the funeral furnisher in as much as he could afford to buy in his coffins; whereas the funeral furnisher, whilst relying on the coffin-maker, looked down on the undertaker ( Col. 2 ).
  6. By the close of the nineteenth century funeral furnishers had amalgamated the individual trades of coffin-maker, undertaker and funeral furnisher.
  7. The undertaker was a coffin-maker and performer of funerals, whereas the funeral furnisher did not make his own coffins, but bought them in ready-made, dressed them and in addition performed the funeral.
  8. The Company's office at 114 Lower Church Street was closed and leased away to Reeves the furnisher, together with the adjoining Market Hall, which the Company was supposed to have demolished for road widening in 1906!
  9. The 1895 workshop of Alfred Morgan, undertaker and funeral furnisher of 2 Craven Buildings, Wych Street, Strand was not such a far cry from the confusion witnessed fifty years earlier by Oliver Twist in Mr Sowerberry's establishment.
  10. We are an Association that wishes to benefit both member and consumer, you will find, that if your Upholsterer/Soft Furnisher does not undertake the particular type of work you require, he/she will be able to recommend another member in the area.
  11. A London funeral furnisher, H.A.

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