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Перевод: furthest speek furthest

самый дальний; отдаленный; наидальнейший;
дальше всего; далеко; намного; на большом расстоянии; гораздо


  1. Lilting Orcadian voices chattered behind; this line goes to the furthest northern railhead of Britain.
  2. As he approached the end of the passage, Mungo could already see that the furthest room was in darkness.
  3. The increase in carp-scaring activity around the banks has forced the carp to feed at the greatest distance from the activity, and the angler who can cast the furthest, within reason, stands the best chance of success.
  4. A centesimal potency creates a wave of some size and when it reaches the shore there will be considerable disturbance while the turbulence subsides and the remains of the wave penetrates to its furthest point.
  5. Moreover, the Council itself was widely regarded as dangerously left-wing, dominated not just by teachers, but by teachers acceptable to the furthest left of the teachers' unions, the NUT (itself then containing large proportion of primary school teachers, without university connections).
  6. The furthest northward extent of the system was Langley Mill at the end of the Erewash Canal.
  7. Dalton gained the lead by moving furthest south last week.
  8. But not only have Rickenbacker rotated the whole layout one notch (front pickup controls forwards and back pickup controls rearwards), but the volumes are the two pots furthest away from the player's hands while the tone controls sit closest to you.
  9. Juan had moved as a young man to La Blanquilla, the Venezuelan island furthest from the mainland.
  10. The loss of deep pleasure, of pushing intensity to its furthest edges.
  11. any visual material must be absolutely clear and legible to the person furthest away from it who is also rather short sighted
  12. The quarrel had started over something as petty as who could spit furthest after eating half a ginger biscuit.
  13. I still possess a tape-recording of a news report I made for Irish radio in which - to a background of Palestinian rifle fire - I hear my own voice informing listeners in the furthest villages of County Mayo that they are listening to "the last shots of the Lebanese civil war".

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