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Перевод: fussy speek fussy

суетливый; нервный; привередливый; вычурный; аляповатый


  1. Our native common holly is not in the least fussy about soil and grows on everything from acid loams to chalk, and species from China and the Himalayas are equally hardy and reliable.
  2. Some muttered that George Downing, who had final say on whether or not the contest should take place, was too fussy.
  3. The factor showed them with fussy gestures where to set it.
  4. Glassfish are not suitable for a community tank in any case, as they are nervous fish and fussy feeders.
  5. He's not fussy."
  6. However, throwing organic matter into water feeds the bacteria as well as the prawns, which are quite fussy about who shares their environment.
  7. CCD delay lines tend to be fussy about the clock signal timing, but using the matching clock chip should avoid any problems.
  8. But that was the way they did things over there - well-meaning but fussy.
  9. All fussy and bothered!
  10. It is essentially peaceful and when some rather fussy penitent told his father confessor that he could find nowhere in London where he could meditate in quiet and peace, he was astonished to hear the caustic answer: "Have you tried Marylebone, my son?"
  11. Breeders can be more fussy about who buys them."
  12. Matthias was not too fussy about how he went about his book-collecting.
  13. The police station was not yet half a dozen years old, but ever since its completion the powers that be, like fussy housewives, had been unable to let well alone, adding innovation after innovation, perpetually trying to improve their handiwork.

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