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Перевод: Georgian speek Georgian

грузинский; относящийся к штату Джорджия; эпохи одного из английских королей Георгов;
грузин ; грузинка ; грузинский язык; уроженец штата Джорджия


  1. A little ward-maid appeared at the bedside with an enormous vacuum flask of Georgian tea, refusing to leave until I had downed every drop.
  2. ('Prime' does not simply mean "expensive" - it refers to the more desirable types of property within each group, whether quaint country cottages, Georgian rectories or large estates.)
  3. A tankard on the compartment table sits as a reminder of the glories of Soviet technology - sputniks and rockets spin out of a world inhabited by the Spassky Tower and an olive branch - and, as if to demonstrate that the mundane is as attainable as the sublime, not a spoon rattles, not a single drop of sweet Georgian tea is spilt, as the carriage is smoothly elevated and the task of fitting a Chinese-gauge undercarriage is taken in hand.
  4. Going Out to Galleries: ARCHITECTURE / Georgian values: Geraldine Prince on Georgian DIY for the home; plus selected lectures and courses
  5. This programme, given by the prize-winning Georgian Company, takes its framework from the incidental music to two popular Restoration comedies, interspersing instrumental dances with both popular ballads and ornate songs.
  6. Pollarded lime trees and Georgian houses surround the green.
  7. Behind the expensive Georgian facade of his Harley Street headquarters, Courtney drugged women with spiked drinks and then raped or molested them.
  8. IT'S going to be a great summer for Richmond, the Swaledale town famous for its wonderful Norman castle and its tiny Georgian theatre.
  9. But, as she came down the steps of the beautiful russet Georgian house, first impressions were very depressing.
  10. This atmospheric Grade II building - dating from the late 17th century but with a primarily Georgian bar and substantial Victorian additions - is a prime tourist attraction.
  11. James Lamb was ambitious and Lamb House is elegant, with its brick mellowed to a soft red, its beautifully proportioned Georgian windows and fine canopied front door.
  12. And he did win - not solely because of that statement, of course, but it helped the unknown Georgian enormously in the final stretch of the campaign.
  13. She then moved to the Paragon, which she remembers once again for the view over the city and the estuary and for its huge Georgian bathroom which had a balcony.

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