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Перевод: goofy speek goofy

глупый; тупой; бестолковый


  1. On her travels she's there with a goofy grin and a different pose for every occasion.
  2. Outside, in the back of the BMW, Ethel's great spotted goofy face was grinning out.
  3. Goofy Disney
  4. Goofy appeared and enquired about the device.
  5. But in the four-man final it was the Hawaiian goofy Ronnie Burns who, despite riding the longest tube, finished last.
  6. They were "goofy".
  7. You know, another of those books with unmemorable titles and a goofy front cover.
  8. MOST EVOCATIVE name of the week if nothing else, wrapping together pre-adolescence, the most fashionable of neckwear and the great Goofy in three succinct syllables.
  9. Lynch was a goofy so he surfed Pipeline with his eye on the wave.
  10. "A lot of bands around then did have fairly serious personas, and a lot of them who didn't had fairly goofy personas," Steve asserts.
  11. BRIAN WILSON, The Beach Boys' goofy, gifted auteur , decided he was going to whup Phil Spector and The Beatles - the former in the immense production stakes, the latter on the ability to craft an album of thematically linked, consistently great songs.
  12. A goofy individual in a Batman cape distracted her attention by falling into the seat to her left, spilling some champagne in the process.
  13. He took his finger out of the machine and smiled his goofy smile.

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