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Перевод: guideline speek guideline

директива ; руководящее указание; руководящие указания; установка ; общий курс; генеральная линия


  1. Mrs. Jarrett had also contributed to the Le Court admissions policy document which was written in 1978 and is used as a guideline to ensure that the ethos of the home is retained.
  2. Guideline 10: Explain the reasons behind your disciplinary actions.
  3. As a guideline, the major zones are summarised in Table 7.5.
  4. Guideline 2: Work out your general strategy on discipline.
  5. Guideline 19: Be consistent.
  6. The first guideline is very important, not only for reducing your weight now but for controlling it in the future.
  7. Guideline 5: Restrict your requests and demands to those that are:
  8. Guideline 3: Have your priorities clear in your own mind.
  9. The reason for guideline number two, "keep to the very simple dishes", is that fats can lurk in disguise in all kinds of sauce-covered dishes or recipe dishes.
  10. Guideline 21: Tell children what they should do, as well as what they can't do.
  11. You can facilitate (and "facilitating" is a disciplinary "technique") this pro-social tendency by remembering our next guideline:
  12. Guideline 12: Prepare your child for life by encouraging personal habits and routines.
  13. Guideline 4: Work out your "house rules".

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