h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: hailstorm speek hailstorm

гроза с градом; сильный град; ливень


  1. The quay was white and slippery with the granules of a recent hailstorm.
  2. The sudden vacuum pulled Jesus towards the ragged-edged hole and expelled him along with a mess of loose trash, a hailstorm of frozen blood and Christine's arm.
  3. In 1985, its rooms in the Ancien Palais d'Expositions, which had been provided by the city, were damaged by a hailstorm and the Centre was evacuated.
  4. The passive of hear is also often used to present an occurrence as an attested fact: (70) This term was also used by the cowboy in the sense of a human showin fight, as one cowboy was heard to say, he arches his back like a mule in a hailstorm.
  5. Whilst on a formation training flight on November 8, 1941, the pilot flew through a hailstorm and lost his reference to the horizon, crashing into the sea.

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