h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: handgrip speek handgrip

пожатие; рукопожатие; сжатие руки; схватка врукопашную; рукоятка


  1. The on-off and zoom buttons are positioned separately, adjacent to the handgrip.
  2. From the handgrip he found lying by the door, he pulled out his lightweight kimono and put in on.
  3. Tipping the handgrip back to the vertical allows the mercury to flow back into the bottom of the cup, so breaking the contact.
  4. It consisted of a contoured handgrip fitted with a top-mounted fire button and a side mounted pause control.
  5. He counted each fresh handgrip as a half-pace.
  6. One with a metal shaft and a moulded rubber handgrip will stand up to more abuse than one with a wooden shaft.
  7. Carrying just a handgrip, D'Arcy was able to leave them waiting for their luggage and took a taxi direct to the Champs Elyses.

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