h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: haughty speek haughty

высокомерный; надменный


  1. Occasionally however more personal comments creep in such as in his 1814 publication, A Description of Sixty Small Prints where on page 17 he wrote "Skiddaw has been called a generous Lord, and the Fells of Borrowdale frowning and haughty Tyrants.
  2. The pair became good friends and shared the same haughty view of their futures.
  3. He believed he had had a determining influence on Modigliani's evolution although the painter was too haughty to admit it.
  4. Jane described their reception: "Papa took to being very chilling, haughty and stern, and Mama to being lively and furibonde."
  5. The literary histories invite us to associate such a belief in the unbreachable autonomy of art with haughty and disdainful decadents of the 1880s and 1890s.
  6. He uses another shabby character, Tigg, to do his scrounging for him, he himself being "of too haughty a stomach to work, to beg, to borrow, or steal; yet mean enough to be worked or borrowed, begged or stolen for, by any catspaw that would serve his turn; too insolent to lick the hand that fed him in his need, yet cur enough to bite and tear it in the dark".
  7. The Junior Minister pulled himself up to his full height of five foot three, and in a plummy voice rich with haughty disdain said, "What difference does that make?"
  8. Even the otherwise haughty Surrey committee was moved to complain about this lack of common courtesy, though naturally they did not go so far as to suggest meals should be taken in common.
  9. She liked the Hungarian manager with his charm and evident desire to please, his pride in his dining-room and linen and his unabashed pleasure at their pleasure; so unlike the haughty anonymity of the Palast.
  10. The same phrase had been translated and mordantly placed by Dante in Canto XXX of the Purgatorio ; and so, when Hardy in these poems confronts the shade of his recently deceased and estranged wife Emma, not only does Aeneas in Aeneid 6 confront the reproachfully haughty ghost of Dido, but Dante's pilgrim confronts for the first time the shade or apparition of his lost Beatrice.
  11. Clarissa adopted a tone even more haughty.
  12. "With the haughty air of a general in charge of manoeuvres he was watching the taxis streaming past there was no petrol rationing until April 1917.
  13. He informed us in a haughty spirit that he would give my people thirty days to go back home, collect all their stock, and move to the reservation, saying, "If you are not here in that time, I shall consider that you want to fight, and will send my soldiers to drive you on".

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