h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: haywire speek haywire

наскоро сколоченный; непрочный; расшатанный; разваливающийся; нарушенный; взволнованный; расстроенный; не в себе;
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  1. "The reception's a bit haywire sometimes, especially in tunnels, but it should be okay," he reassured her.
  2. "All haywire.
  3. Because he only had to be in the same room for her nervous system to run haywire, and she could only take so much punishment.
  4. Judging by the number of young Germans I encountered, wanderlust has gone haywire.
  5. The latter isn't animalistic gone haywire, but a comprehensive study of anomalies, extrasensory powers, UFOs and such eternal questions as how many bent forks you can stand on the head of Uri Geller.
  6. Then in a cold dark haywire cloud of rain
  7. If she wanted to hang on to the shreds of her professional reputation she'd better start by controlling her haywire emotions.
  8. It seems to me that things have a nasty habit of going haywire around you."
  9. It's an embarrassing thing for a fault-tolerant vendor to have to say, but a bug in Guardian for the Tandem Computers Inc NonStop CLX machines caused them to reset their clocks to December 1, 1983 on November 1, causing systems with time-dependent programs to go haywire.
  10. There's a definite swagger to many of the songs here, as Russell emerges out of the mix far less reticently on the likes of the jaunty single, "Little Bird", and "Soon Is Never Soon Enough", a belted-out duet with Delores O'Riordan (on day release from The Cranberries) driven recklessly along by some well haywire slide guitar from Easter.
  11. She just went haywire as soon as she saw the instructor.
  12. It had gone completely haywire.
  13. If they didn't match, your computations went haywire.

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