h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: hobbyhorse speek hobbyhorse

лошадка ; палочка с лошадиной головой; конь-качалка ; конь на карусели; излюбленная тема; конек ; чеглок


  1. Mama was on her pet hobbyhorse again and it was too foolish, really it was, to have a hurried wedding in London, where she hardly knew a soul, when it could all be so lovely at Lady Mead.
  2. The parallel conversations continued after dinner, though now the rector was riding another hobbyhorse, that of local Roman remains, with which apparently the Cotswolds were plentifully endowed.
  3. "Men dance and chant, they fight with sticks, and one rides among them on a hobbyhorse, striking them with a bladder filled with pebbles we don't forget"
  4. But thank-you especially to Mrs B from Durham who expresses an opinion close to my own hobbyhorse when she writes: "Although I am almost two stone overweight, I am perfectly content with my body the way it is.
  5. Another excellent chapter deals with the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion, which Brennan admits is a personal hobbyhorse.
  6. ' - but how many times have I stood and laughed as that man on the hobbyhorse, a fool, an outsider to the troupe, prances round and through the dancers?
  7. Ralph switched from one hobbyhorse to another.

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