h ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hl hm ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hw hy hz

Перевод: holocaust speek holocaust

уничтожение; истребление; бойня ; резня ; полное уничтожение; всесожжение; полное сжигание жертвы огнем


  1. A few of the Holocaust Armenians are in Beirut old people's homes, too senile to record what happened 74 years ago.
  2. "Fifty years after the Holocaust, a Jewish leader is killed in the heart of the capital of Europe."
  3. "Thatcher's Holocaust," said the Economist, not intending to understate their scoop: "Thatcher's think-tank takes aim at the Welfare State."
  4. " A major pile-up on the E 35 near Freiburg reported eight cars involved heavy casualties also reported a large refrigerated truck driving north along the southbound lane caused the latest holocaust the truck driver believed to have died in the pile-up more details in our next news bulletin
  5. If these three individuals are innocent of the charge that they contributed in any way to the Holocaust, then that innocence should be revealed in a trial.
  6. HOLOCAUST (1980)
  7. This was a conference where images of the macabre and the grotesque mingled with the moving and the tragic; where the children and the handicapped were feted as survivors of a silent holocaust; where people went to learn the difference between pro-life and pro-death, between cloning and twinning, between a blob of jelly and a living foetus, between a terminated pregnancy and murder and to learn how to counter difficult questions.
  8. About the Holocaust, Ludens had prided himself on keeping, as a historian, a cool head.
  9. Born in Tel Aviv in 1927, he worked as a radio operator in Italy for the pre-state Haganah militia during the campaign to smuggle Jewish Holocaust survivors past the British naval blockade of Palestine.
  10. But there's even more to disagree with, particularly in the suggested preparations we are told to make for the forthcoming holocaust.
  11. Then it had been Roman revenge against an uprising - but the seizure and detonation of an Israeli atomic bomb by terrorists had made a second holocaust of the land that once was known as Holy.
  12. The suggestion was that the jury didn't care for Europa Europa 's subject matter, for it deals with something many Germans probably prefer to forget: the Holocaust.
  13. As the war progressed, there was greater emphasis on professional advice, a trend which accelerated sharply after Germany's defeat when the nightmare of the holocaust made its full impact on those who had been saved from the gas chambers.

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