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Перевод: homogeneity speek homogeneity

гомогенность ; однородность


  1. What seems to be a regular feature, however, is that a leading lite, often in the name of the culture of one dominant ethnic group within a state, will peddle its own notion of homogeneity.
  2. The homogeneity of local politics in the 1950s and early 1960s was the exception rather than the rule.
  3. If the universe is homogeneous, then the long range forces in all directions balance out - by definition of homogeneity, they will be in equilibrium, forming a continuous forcefield or texture.
  4. In other words, variations in market homogeneity are more marked within countries than between them.
  5. Even today many CD players sound flat, thin and scratchy: they throw detail at you yet lack homogeneity and focus.
  6. Foreigners are seen to contaminate their precious homogeneity and disturb the peace.
  7. Although complete homogeneity does not exist between NICs there are certain features common to both regional groupings.
  8. Difference and heterogeneity are sanctified, homogeneity is distrusted.
  9. It always has to be borne in mind in orthodox research that while strains of laboratory animals are highly inbred to ensure, as far as possible, consistency of response, complete homogeneity can never be guaranteed, and genetic similarity is even less likely to be achieved with plants.
  10. To create an even greater homogeneity we excluded also all those who were doubly incontinent at referral (since we know that the project found such people very hard to support; see Chapter Seven), and all those whose condition - either mental or physical - was deemed too poor at referral for them to remain at home at all.
  11. In other parts of western Europe at the time, such homogeneity was not typical.
  12. Black music frequently signifies the perceived homogeneity of Black cultural forms.
  13. This, he suggests, is a time when we have witnessed the ending of the construct of what he calls, "the homogeneity of man" which was a product of a special political climate that has now passed.

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