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Перевод: impairment speek impairment

ухудшение; повреждение


  1. Pollution, though often more insidious in its effects, can cause ill-health and even permanent intellectual impairment.
  2. However, it is probable that varying degrees of impairment of peripheral uptake of triglyceride interact with enhanced, normal or decreased secretion of VLDL to produce the wide range of lipid levels observed in untreated diabetes.
  3. Impairment can be of the sensory receptor, or of the pathway carrying the impulse to the brain, or of the brain's interpreting ability.
  4. As far as the sufferers themselves were concerned, data showed not only the number of moderately to severely demented elderly people living in the community, but also the fact that they suffered, in addition to cognitive impairment, a variety of behavioural, or other mental or physical impairments.
  5. This might, for example, reveal that a child who appeared to be inattentive or a slow learner was in fact showing symptoms of specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) or a hearing impairment - possibly an intermittent one such as is associated with otitis media.
  6. The project made no evident difference to levels of cognitive impairment, nor to stated feelings of worry, sadness, loneliness or unhappiness.
  7. They might therefore be exempted from - or given modified - handwriting and presentation targets and, depending on the degree of impairment, undertake the writing tasks through alternative means of communication, using technological aids.
  8. Any impairment of consciousness from being drowsy and lethargic to total unconsciousness.
  9. None of the Regulations refers to the possibility of translations into Braille or on to cassette to facilitate access to information by the many people who have a sight impairment.
  11. Dr Robert Stephens of Birmingham University says Price concluded that 20 per cent of urban children in Britain could be suffering "some form of lead-induced mental impairment".
  12. Others are tested when an industrial accident occurs, on the theory that it creates a "reasonable suspicion" of drug impairment, even though faulty equipment or poor weather conditions may more plausibly account for the mishap.
  13. Because of the potential side-effects and risks of lithium carbonate (e.g. toxicity, hypothyroidism, and renal impairment), as well the non-response of some patients, other drugs with possible prophylactic effects in patients with recurrent affective disorders are currently under investigation.

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