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Перевод: impatience speek impatience

нетерпение; раздражительность ; нетерпимость


  1. It won't want to stand around while we talk; and if we get off its back and tie it to a fence, it will dig a hole in the ground through sheer impatience.
  2. "Oh yes?" he says, with scarcely concealed impatience.
  3. Anthea's tone was one of politely concealed impatience.
  4. There was no alternative now the bus was stopped and the passengers' amusement turning to impatience.
  5. This characteristic delight in style was balanced by a Scots impatience with the ritual of the career spiral.
  6. Once more the inhabitants of the northern forests showed their impatience of these delays.
  7. But there is no popular demand, and no need, to overturn our institutions in a fit of impatience.
  8. Aren't there times when a little purposeful impatience needs to be shown?
  9. "If you can contain your impatience," Briant said dryly, "these points will be explained.
  10. It is necessary to turn back to Ezra's childhood to find a key to that dire impatience which has led him into so strange a spiritual home as Fascist Italy.
  11. She saw him crumple them up in a sudden burst of impatience, and fling them across the parade.
  12. Now I could hear the throb of impatience in his voice as he waited for the curtain to go up.
  13. Matron, sitting tidily in the chair on the far side of him, allowed herself a barely audible sigh of impatience and looked pointedly at her watch, and Briant slid his eyes sideways at her and smiled slightly, raising his eyebrows at Kegan's back view.

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